If you want to know more about the Fournales Pan Cruise shocks I've fitted to my 2008 Harley Davidson Fatboy the posts below follow the action as it happen. Follow us on Twitter or subscribe to the site's RSS etc to keep up to date with progress. This is not meant to be a technical blog, if you want to know more about that side of things then if you live in Western Australia give Dean at Thundertech a call or check out the technical info on the Fournales site. There is an Australian distributor but can't track him down on the web!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Great Northern Highway

There is nothing great about Perth's Great Northern Hway. I thought the Lancelin road was bad but at least that has the excuse that it's not a main artery of the state. The GNH has such a rough uneven and generally bumpy surface that it makes for a very unpleasant ride, even with a set of fournales that are close to being broken in (1250km so far). In addition to being rutted and uneven, littered with unfinished surfaces and bereft of white lines it has a general smearing of diesel from the roadtrains that hammer up and down it. It may be acceptable for rodadtrains but there is a heap of traffic that use the road besides those monsters so come on Main Roads WA - sort it out! While you're at it some decent overtaking lanes that don't start or end on a bloody bend would be good. Riding a motorcycle in those conditions, even one with fournales shocks is a white knuckle experience.

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